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Using the window.open method for pop up windows from a web page

Updated:  05/07/2010 13:05 PM
Author:  Shiju Mathews

Status:    Resolved.

The syntax of the window.open method is given below:

  • URL: The URL of the page to open in the new window. This argument could be blank.

  • windowName: A name to be given to the new window. The name can be used to refer this window again.

  • windowFeatures:

    A string that determines the various window features to be included in the popup window.
    status The status bar at the bottom of the window.
    toolbar The standard browser toolbar, with buttons such as Back and Forward.
    location The Location entry field where you enter the URL.
    menubar The menu bar of the window
    directories The standard browser directory buttons, such as What's New and What's Cool
    resizable Allow/Disallow the user to resize the window.
    scrollbars Enable the scrollbars if the document is bigger than the window
    height Specifies the height of the window in pixels. (example: height='350')
    width Specifies the width of the window in pixels.

  • Tags: Using the window.open method for pop up windows from a web page
    Updated on: October 2024