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How to send Email From Dataabse using Transact-SQL Part 2

Updated:  12/18/2011 09:12 AM
Author:  Shiju Mathews

Status:    Resolved.

[ @body= ] 'body'

Is the body of the e-mail message. The message body is of type nvarchar(max), with a default of NULL.

[ @body_format= ] 'body_format'

Is the format of the message body. The parameter is of type varchar(20), with a default of NULL. When specified, the headers of the outgoing message are set to indicate that the message body has the specified format. The parameter may contain one of the following values:

  • TEXT

  • HTML

Defaults to TEXT.

[ @importance= ] 'importance'

Is the importance of the message. The parameter is of type varchar(6). The parameter may contain one of the following values:

  • Low

  • Normal

  • High

Defaults to Normal.

[ @sensitivity= ] 'sensitivity'

Is the sensitivity of the message. The parameter is of type varchar(12). The parameter may contain one of the following values:

  • Normal

  • Personal

  • Private

  • Confidential

Defaults to Normal.

[ @file_attachments= ] 'file_attachments'

Is a semicolon-delimited list of file names to attach to the e-mail message. Files in the list must be specified as absolute paths. The attachments list is of type nvarchar(max). By default, Database Mail limits file attachments to 1 MB per file. For more information, see Database Mail Configuration Wizard.

[ @query= ] 'query'

Is a query to execute. The results of the query can be attached as a file, or included in the body of the e-mail message. The query is of type nvarchar(max), and can contain any valid Transact-SQL statements. Note that the query is executed in a separate session, so local variables in the script calling sp_send_dbmail are not available to the query.

[ @execute_query_database= ] 'execute_query_database'

Is the database context within which the stored procedure runs the query. The parameter is of type sysname, with a default of the current database. This parameter is only applicable if @query is specified.

[ @attach_query_result_as_file= ] attach_query_result_as_file

Specifies whether the result set of the query is returned as an attached file. attach_query_result_as_file is of type bit, with a default of 0.

When the value is 0, the query results are included in the body of the e-mail message, after the contents of the @body parameter. When the value is 1, the results are returned as an attachment. This parameter is only applicable if @query is specified.

[ @query_attachment_filename= ] query_attachment_filename

Specifies the file name to use for the result set of the query attachment. query_attachment_filename is of type nvarchar(255), with a default of NULL. This parameter is ignored when attach_query_result is 0. When attach_query_result is 1 and this parameter is NULL, Database Mail creates an arbitrary filename.

[ @query_result_header= ] query_result_header

Specifies whether the query results include column headers. The query_result_header value is of type bit. When the value is 1, query results contain column headers. When the value is 0, query results do not include column headers. This parameter defaults to 1. This parameter is only applicable if @query is specified.

[ @query_result_width = ] query_result_width

Is the line width, in characters, to use for formatting the results of the query. The query_result_width is of type int, with a default of 256. The value provided must be between 10 and 32767. This parameter is only applicable if @query is specified.

[ @query_result_separator= ] 'query_result_separator'

Is the character used to separate columns in the query output. The separator is of type char(1). Defaults to ' ' (space).

[ @exclude_query_output= ] exclude_query_output

Specifies whether to return the output of the query execution in the e-mail message. exclude_query_output is bit, with a default of 0. When this parameter is 0, the execution of the sp_send_dbmail stored procedure prints the message returned as the result of the query execution on the console. When this parameter is 1, the execution of the sp_send_dbmail stored procedure does not print any of the query execution messages on the console.

Tags: How to send Email From Dataabse using Transact-SQL Part 2
Updated on: October 2024