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How can a child repeater can access parent data in nested repeater?

Updated:  11/04/2011 13:11 PM
Author:  Shiju Mathews

Status:    Resolved.

In many situations when we are working with nested asp:Repeater it is necessary to bind the data from a parent repeater “DataRow", without using code Behind(c#, VB.net etc…). Consider two repeater “rptParent" and “rptChild". The parent repeater “rptParent" is databinded to a table which has a column “City". The Child repeater “rptChild" need to display this data not is not associated with its datasource. In this situation we can access the Data “City" from the Parent dataSource.

Sample code
Tags: How can a child repeater can access parent data in nested repeater?
Updated on: October 2024