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Free anti-virus and security software from Microsoft

Updated:  10/09/2012 12:10 PM
Author:  Shiju Mathews

Status:    Resolved.

Until 3 years back I was spending 200 to 300 dollars on anti-virus / security software and end up with at least 2 to 3 critical attack on my machines. Mostly I was not able to fix the issue. So I will reinstall the machine to factory installed condition and then spend time on installing other software.

One day one of my colleagues told me about the Microsoft Security Essentials and I installed it on the same night. There after I never got any attacks on my PCs. You can also try the same thing instead of spending money on third party software packages that doesn’t work.

Go to Microsoft Security Essentials and download the installation package and run it.

Tags: Free anti-virus and security software from Microsoft
Updated on: October 2024