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Ayurvastram San Jose California (Indian Cloth and Dress Store)

Indian Dress Stores
1008 Harlan Drive
San Jose, California - 95129
Phone: (408) 368 3824

Ayurvastram, San Jose, CA

Ayurvastram is a high fashion accessories and specialty apparel enterprise, located in San Jose, California. The main products offered are tunics, high quality silk and cashmere scarves, Indian jewelry, leather bags and other handicrafts. Most of Ayurvastram's products are sourced from the handicraft industry to give you the authentic Indian look. The designs are a fusion of Indian fabrics and western silhouettes. This creates very unique and beautiful styles, which are also very fashionable and wearable. The philosophy of the company is to specifically cater to individual needs and styles.

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Note: Since these information’s are not verified with the resource's management, please contact Indian Dress Stores for more details.
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Tags: Ayurvastram Indian Cloth and Dress Store San Jose California Details of Ayurvastram Indian Cloth and Dress Store San Jose California Indian Cloth and Dress Store in San Jose Indian Cloth and Dress Store San Jose California Ayurvastram
Updated on: June 2024  
