Raj Collection Burnaby British Columbia (Indian Cloth and Dress Store)

Raj Collection
Indian Dress Stores
3790 Canada Way, Suite 103
Burnaby, British Columbia - V5G 1G4
Phone: (778) 371-1000

Raj Collection,Burnaby, BC

Business Hours
Mon: Closed
Tue-Sat: 11:00 am - 6:00 pm
Sun 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Raj Collection Boutique is one of the leaders of High End Indian fashion in Canada. Specializing in many top clothing brands including Satya Paul and JJ Valaya, they carries today's hottest brands and newest fashions at great prices. Raj Collection carries Suits, Sarees, Lenghas, Shawls, Jewellery, Purses and many other high end goods. Raj Collections have unique styles that appeal to all age groups and bring in the latest fashion trends.

If any updates are required for this resource, please email us at [email protected] with the resource detail and photos.

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Note: Since these information’s are not verified with the resource's management, please contact Indian Dress Stores for more details.
Tags: Raj Collection Indian Cloth and Dress Store Burnaby British Columbia Details of Raj Collection Indian Cloth and Dress Store Burnaby British Columbia Indian Cloth and Dress Store in Burnaby Indian Cloth and Dress Store Burnaby British Columbia Raj Collection
Updated on: June 2024  
